
Friday, March 23, 2012

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Reflections

All of the 6th grade Language Arts teachers were impressed with the overall level of thought that showed in the students' projects. We did have a day when they were displayed for students and teachers in the Lahguage Arts hall. Here are a few examples:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Debate Information

Our Mock Debate Days: Tues (3/27) & Wed (3/28)

HAL Students will participate on Tuesday morning, regardless of their science class. HAL students need to check their student gmail for their debate day/time.
You will need to turn in your t-chart, your house organizer, and your debate cards to Mrs. White when you finish. You will be graded on these items.

You can find copies of these documents here. Copies of the Pro and Con research articles are also available. Please go to Pioneer Online Library (the page you see at school) and click on the SIRS Issues Researcher link. Once it loads, find where it says Pro/Con in the top of the dialogue box and click on that. Then you can look up articles by topic...

Homework should be abolished.
Cell Phones should be allowed in schools.
Students should be paid for good grades.
Youth sports are too intense.

Your debate cards should be written with one opinion/argument card (Pro on one side, Con on the other), followed by 3 evidence cards (Pro on one side, Con on the other). Watch this video...sorry about the sound.

Remember! You should be prepared to argue Pro OR have no way to know which one you will be arguing.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Debate Day Topics

Here's the photo from today's lesson: The Lunchroom Murder , for those of you who are determined to solve the mystery.

Please think about which topic you'd like to research and debate:
  • Youth sports are too intense.
  • Cell phones should be allowed in schools.
  • Students should be paid for good grades.
  • Homework from school should be abolished.
On Monday, 3/19 you will need to declare your topic (turn in a paper committing to one). We will be talking about argument all next week...there will be NO Reading Response Letter due next week.

Friday, March 2, 2012

No name work...

It's so sad that this pretty piece of work should have no owner... please claim it!